
Skateboard Lessons by Cody M
from Valley Village, California

Reviews 0
Completed lessons 0

About me

With a long history and love of skateboarding. I have always loved skateboarding and started doing it more seriously around the age of 12-13. At 27 and my love for skateboarding is still the same, although my skills have improved so much since then. Skateboarding is an amazing way to clear your mind, have fun, stay healthy and be social all at the same time. It teaches you many values of life, the primary being that when you fall down, the best thing to do is get back up and try again. Experience skating in many different street style environments, and many games of skate are logged in the books. When you challenge yourself by competing with others, it helps you grow as a skater because it forces you to try new tricks that you might not have otherwise. Love to help people learn how to skate. Whenever at the skate park, there are usually a few younger skaters that will come up and ask how to do a particular trick. Gladly do your best to help these kids learn the tricks they want and have even seen improvement in just a few minutes of them trying whatever technique is recommended.

My Details

Level of Experience
Level of Education
Bachelors Degree or Higher
Years of Experience


United States
Valley Village

Cody Can Teach at These Skateparks

Photos & videos

The Details

No prior skate experience or training necessary
Learn street skating, longboarding, vert or everything
1-on-1 private lessons 7 days a week for all ages—you could be a young Shawn White fan or the middle-aged father of one interested in reliving your school/college days or learning an exciting new weekend, holiday, retirement or family hobby.
Customized learning plan—no set lessons structure, learn at your own pace
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